Wednesday, April 30, 2008


This is the kind of patron that gives me a reason to get up in the morning.
My art education is lacking. Yet I come from a long line of artists, myself. Some were quite good. Not even approaching Pretty Lady's level, but then, I have a sneaking suspicion that very few are. When I look at her artwork I have a powerful sense that I'm seeing paintings that the art world is overlooking, and should not be.

These are works of far greater merit, I believe, than she's getting credit for. They move people. It's not just me; I read some fascinating comments about this on her blog. You look at her paintings and things can happen to you, deep down inside of you. I've only felt that before in museums. World-class museums like the Art Institute of Chicago, wondrous place of early art memories for me.

So I want one. There are paintings on her blog that I return to, over and over, falling into them, and I want one.

I doubt I can afford one. Maybe later. Maybe, if I keep on taking care of business here, straightening things out, paying off those old business debts till there's nothing left and we can finally use our bits of money to enjoy ourselves. Walter is all for it; his European love of culture shines happily upon my plans.

So. This precious piece of real art will find a home on a wall in my happy room, my home office, close to me. For now I'll just sit here looking at it in front of me, falling into it. Touching it in its protective sleeve. Happily thinking up frames, and where to put it.

I'm overwhelmed.
It's not about money. It's not about fame, Art World Parties, hipness, fashion, or status. It's about being seen, really seen, both for what is there on the wall and what you had to go through to put it there.

Thank you.


k said...

Pretty Lady. If this is so, then I know what I'm doing is right.

How could those early naysayers in my life not understand this? The ones who'd accuse me of *selfishness,* etc., for wanting to own art intead of just looking at prints or going to the museum?

Reading your post just now I suddenly realized they never understood it goes both ways. If your interest in the sublime beauty of art is real, then it's a two-way street. There's a soul to soul connection with the real human being who created, birthed, nurtured that art, who gave it life, gave up bits of themselves to feed it.

How could that ever be considered selfish?

Pretty Lady said...

It isn't selfish at all; it is necessary.

I get this sort of attitude from all sorts of would-be art patrons who are solely focussed on the indulgence, and perhaps the snob appeal, of the expense; they never seem to grasp that that's my livelihood they're cutting corners on, and that maybe it is a little tacky and rude and hurtful to speak so openly about not wanting to spend money on art in front of me. And the vast majority of people don't truly appreciate things they don't pay for.

I sent you the piece because you are a very rare exception to that rule.

jeff said...

Wow this person is amazing. It's great to be noticed and appreciated. Reading this has made my day.

jafabrit said...

I enjoyed visiting your blog, and I liked your comment on winkleman's blog about artists setting their own agenda.

Beverly Kaye said...

Thanks for posting your collector's thoughts. As a dealer it is always very rewarding when a buyer really gets the art. This was a very revealing and touching comment.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this touching transaction. I don't know know if it's the crummy weather or the fact that I haven't sold a lot of art in the last few months — but, at the risk of sounding schmarmy(sp?), I had tears in my eyes.
It's not an easy life, to be an artist, but making that kind of connection… that's what it's all about.
Great artwork, great blog! Thanks.